Relative Tolerance of Tree Species to Construction Damage
Kim D. Coder
Professor, Silvics/Ecology
Warnell School of Forest Resources
The University of Georgia
August, 1996
Each tree species, and each unique individual, will respond to the stress and strain of construction activities in different ways. Some species vary widely in their response to mechanical injury, pest attack, soil modifications, and micro-climatic changes associated with construction. As more tree tissues, physical space and essential resources are disrupted, the more a tree must effectively react to these changes to insure survival.
The variability of general tree reactions to construction damage represents a range of tolerances. Some trees tolerate damage well — others tolerate damage poorly. The relative tolerance differences between native species are given in this table as are the primary limiting factors. This list represents only broad expectations of tree reactions and cannot show specific reactions to specific sites changes and circumstances. It is assumed each species is being evaluated within their home range.
The key to symbols in the third column of this table, entitled “tolerance” are the relative value of “g” for good, “m” for medium, and “p” for poor. These are broad recognitions of species’ reactions to activities around construction sites within one-and-one-half times the drip line distance from the tree. For example, a poor tolerance rating signifies a tree which will have difficulty reacting well to construction damage.
The forth column of this table, entitled “limitations,” symbolizes critical constraints governing species tolerances on construction sites. The key to symbols of poor tree reactions includes: physical injury (compartmentalization and decay) “I”; pest complications (chronic and acute attacks) “P”; soil constraints (aeration and water availability attributes) “S”; limited climatic tolerances (native range, hardiness, and micro-climatic change) “C”; and, all of these reactions combined “A.”
Scientific Name | Common Name | Tolerance | Limitations |
Acer barbatum | Florida maple | m | IS |
Acer leucoderme | chalk maple | p | A |
Acer negundo | boxelder | g | IC |
Acer saccharinum | silver maple | p | A |
Acer spicatum | mountain maple | m | IC |
Aesculus octandra | yellow buckeye | p | IS |
Aesculus pavia | red buckeye | m | I |
Amelanchier arborea | downy serviceberry | m | IS |
Aralia spinosa | devil’s walking stick | m | I |
Betula allegheniansis | yellow birch | m | ISC |
Betula lenta | sweet birch | m | IC |
Bumelia lanuginosa | gum bumelia | m | A |
Bumelia lycioides | buckthorn bumelia | m | A |
Carpinus caroliniana | American hornbeam | m | SC |
Carya cordiformis | bitternut hickory | p | S |
Carya glabra | pignut hickory | m | S |
Carya ovata | shagbark hickory | p | S |
Carya tomentosa | mockernut hickory | mp | S |
Castanea alnifolia | Florida chinkapin | m | P |
Castanea pumila | Allegheny chinkapin | p | P |
Celtis laevigata | sugarberry | g | I |
Celtis tenuifolia | Georgia hackberry | m | IS |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | common buttonbush | g | I |
Cercis canadensis | redbud | m | S |
Chionanthus virginicus | fringetree | m | IS |
Cladrastis kentukea | yellowwood | p | A |
Clethra acuminata | cinnamon clethra | m | IS |
Cliftonia monophylla | buckwheat tree | m | IS |
Cornus alternifolia | alternate-leaf dogwood | m | IS |
Cornus florida | dogwood | m | IP |
Cornus stricta | swamp dogwood | g | I |
Cyrilla racemiflora | swamp cyrilla | m | I |
Diospyros virginiana | persimmon | g | P |
Erythrina herbacea | Eastern coralbean | m | I |
Euonymus atropurpureus | Eastern wahoo | m | I |
Fagus grandifolia | American beech | p | A |
Fraxinus americana | white ash | m | IS |
Halesia carolina | Carolina silverbell | m | ISC |
Halesia diptera | two-wing silverbell | m | IS |
Halesia parviflora | little silverbell | m | IS |
Hamamelis virginiana | witch-hazel | m | IS |
Ilex montana | mountain winterberry | gm | C |
Juglans nigra | black walnut | p | IS |
Juniperus virginiana | Eastern redcedar | m | I |
Liriodendron tulipifera | yellow-poplar | p | IS |
Magnolia acuminata | cucumbertree | m | I |
Magnolia fraseri | Fraser magnolia | p | IC |
Magnolia grandiflora | Southern magnolia | m | I |
Magnolia pyramidata | pyramid magnolia | p | IC |
Malus angustifolia | Southern crabapple | m | ICP |
Malus coronaria | sweet crabapple | m | ICP |
Nyssa ogeche | Ogeechee tupelo | m | IS |
Osmanthus americana | devilwood | m | I |
Ostrya virginiana | Eastern hophornbeam | m | S |
Oxydendrum arboreum | sourwood | p | A |
Pinckneya pubens | pinckneya | m | I |
Pinus echinata | shortleaf pine | gm | P |
Pinus palustris | longleaf pine | gm | C |
Pinus pungens | table-mountain pine | gm | C |
Pinus strobus | Eastern white pine | m | A |
Prunus americana | American plum | m | IS |
Prunus angustifolia | chickasaw plum | m | IS |
Prunus pensylvanica | fire cherry | m | I |
Prunus serotina | black cherry | m | I |
Prunus umbellata | flatwoods plum | m | I |
Ptelea trifoliata | hoptree | m | I |
Quercus alba | white oak | gm | S |
Quercus phellos | willow oak | gm | S |
Quercus prinus | chestnut oak | gm | S |
Quercus rubra | Northern red oak | gm | SC |
Quercus virginiana | live oak | gm | C |
Rhamnus caroliniana | Carolina buckthorn | m | IS |
Rhododendron catawbiense | catawba rhododendron | m | I |
Rhododendron maximum | rosebay rhododendron | m | I |
Rhus coppalina | shining sumac | m | I |
Rhus glabra | smooth sumac | m | I |
Robinia pseudoacacia | black locust | g | P |
Sambucus canadensis | American elder | p | A |
Styrax americana | American snowbell | m | IS |
Styrax grandifolia | bigleaf snowbell | m | IS |
Symplocos tinctoria | common sweetleaf | g | I |
Tilia caroliniana | Carolina basswood | p | A |
Tilia heterophylla | white basswood | p | A |
Toxicodendron vernix | poison sumac | m | I |
Tsuga canadensis | Eastern hemlock | p | A |
Ulmus americana | American elm | m | P |
Ulmus rubra | slippery elm | m | P |
Vaccinium arboreum | tree sparkleberry | m | A |
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis | Hercules-club | m | I |